January 18, 2012

#8 Oreo Pops

I've been wanting to try the dipped oreo pops floating around on pinterest.  I was in charge of treats for my niece's baptism, so I came up with my own version of oreo pops to create a number "8" for the occasion.It's just two mini oreos on a flat craft stick, dipped in melting chocolate.  I used some flower sprinkles I already had for the centers of the "8".  I think using an M&M would be even better proportionally, but I forgot to get them at the store, and didn't want to make another trip with the 3yr. old!  Next time!

To make these, I opened up each oreo, lined up two, placed the stick on the frosting side, squirted a little of the chocolate on like glue, then put the tops of the cookies over that.  I then put them in the freezer for a while before dipping them.  I used a spoon to help get them coated with the chocolate, then put the sprinkles on while the chocolate was still wet.  I put them back in the freezer so they would be solid.  They were a hit at the baptism party and tasted so yummy! 

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